- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Data Structures and Algorithms Part 3
- String Manipulation Algorithms (60m)
- 9- Most Repeated Char.mp4
- 8- Remove Duplicates.mp4
- 7- Rotations.mp4
- 5- Reverse a String.mp4
- 6- Reverse Words.mp4
- 4- Count Vowels.mp4
- 2- Exercises.pdf
- 3- Useful Java Methods.pdf
- 14- Course Wrap Up.mp4
- 13- Palindrome.mp4
- 12- Anagrams- Using Histogramming.mp4
- 11- Anagrams- Using Sorting.mp4
- 10- Sentence Capitalization.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Searching Algorithms (35m)
- 8- Ternary Search- Implementation.mp4
- 5- Binary Search- Recursive Implementation.mp4
- 9- Jump Search.mp4
- 6- Binary Search- Iterative Implementation.mp4
- 7- Ternary Search.mp4
- 4- Binary Search.mp4
- 3- Linear Search- Implementation.mp4
- 12- Exponential Search- Implementation.mp4
- 2- Linear Search.mp4
- 10- Jump Search- Implementation.mp4
- 11- Exponential Search.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Sorting Algorithms (75m)
- 9- Merge Sort- Implementation.mp4
- 7- Insertion Sort- Implementation.mp4
- 8- Merge Sort.mp4
- 6- Insertion Sort.mp4
- 16- Bucket Sort- Implementation.mp4
- 3- Bubble Sort- Implementation.mp4
- 5- Selection Sort- Implementation.mp4
- 4- Selection Sort.mp4
- 12- Quick Sort- Implementation.mp4
- 2- Bubble Sort.mp4
- 15- Bucket Sort.mp4
- 14- Counting Sort- Implementation.mp4
- 13- Counting Sort.mp4
- 11- Partitioning.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- 10- Quick Sort.mp4
- Getting Started (1m)
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Data Structures and Algorithms Part 2
- Tries (46m)
- 7- A Better Abstraction.mp4
- 9- Solution- Looking Up a Word.mp4
- 5- Solution- Building a Trie.mp4
- 8- Exercise- Looking Up a Word.mp4
- 6- An Implementation with a HashTable.mp4
- 12- Solution- Removing a Word.mp4
- 14- Solution- Auto Completion.mp4
- 4- Exercise- Building a Trie.mp4
- 3- Exercise- Populating a Trie.pdf
- 2- What are Tries.mp4
- 16- Summary.mp4
- 15- Tries- Exercises.pdf
- 10- Traversals.mp4
- 13- Exercise- Auto Completion.mp4
- 11- Exercise- Removing a Word.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Undirected Graphs (59m)
- 8- Solution- Shortest Path.mp4
- 9- Exercise- Cycle Detection (Undirected Graphs).mp4
- 7- Solution- The Shortest Distance.mp4
- 13- Solution- Prim_s Algorithm.mp4
- 6- Exercise- Getting the Shortest Distance.mp4
- 4- An Object-oriented Solution.mp4
- 5- Dijkstra_s Shortest Path Algorithm.mp4
- 3- Solution- Weighted Graphs.mp4
- 2- Exercise- Weighted Graphs.mp4
- 10- Solution- Cycle Detection (Undirected Graphs).mp4
- 12- Exercise- Prim_s Algorithm.mp4
- 11- Minimum Spanning Tree.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Graphs (66m)
- 6- Solution- Adding Nodes and Edges.mp4
- 7- Solution- Removing Nodes and Edges.mp4
- 9- Exercise- Traversal Algorithms.pdf
- 8- Traversal Algorithms.mp4
- 4- Adjacency List.mp4
- 19- Solution- Cycle Detection (Directed Graphs).mp4
- 5- Exercise- Building a Graph.mp4
- 3- Adjacency Matrix.mp4
- 17- Solution- Topological Sort.mp4
- 20- Graphs Summary.mp4
- 2- What are Graphs.mp4
- 18- Exercise- Cycle Detection (Directed Graphs).mp4
- 13- Solution- Depth-first Traversal (Iterative).mp4
- 15- Solution- Breadth-first Traversal.mp4
- 16- Exercise- Topological Sorting.mp4
- 11- Solution- Depth-first Traversal (Recursive).mp4
- 14- Exercise- Breadth-first Traversal (Iterative).mp4
- 12- Exercise- Depth-first Traversal (Iterative).mp4
- 10- Exercise- Depth-first Traversal (Recursive).mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Heaps (53m)
- 9- Priority Queues.mp4
- 8- Heap Sort.mp4
- 6- Solution- remove().mp4
- 7- Solution - Edge Cases.mp4
- 5- Solution- insert().mp4
- 4- Exercise- Building a Heap.mp4
- 3- Exercise- Working with Heaps.pdf
- 14- Solution- Kth Largest Item.mp4
- 11- Solution- Heapify.mp4
- 2- What are Heaps.mp4
- 16- Summary.mp4
- 15- Heaps- Exercises.pdf
- 13- Exercise- Kth Largest Item.mp4
- 12- Solution- Optimization.mp4
- 10- Exercise- Heapify.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- AVL Trees (49m)
- 7- Solution- insert().mp4
- 9- Solution- Height Calculation.mp4
- 15- Solution- Implementing Rotations.mp4
- 8- Exercise- Height Calculation.mp4
- 6- Exercise- Building an AVL Tree.mp4
- 4- AVL Trees.mp4
- 5- AVL Rotations.pdf
- 3- Rotations.mp4
- 2- Balanced and Unbalanced Trees.mp4
- 17- Summary.mp4
- 16- AVL Trees- Exercises.pdf
- 13- Solution- Detecting Rotations.mp4
- 14- Exercise- Implementing Rotations.mp4
- 11- Solution- Balance Factor.mp4
- 12- Exercise- Detecting Rotations.mp4
- 10- Exercise- Balance Factor.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Binary Trees (73m)
- 4- Exercise- Building a Tree.mp4
- 2- What are Trees.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- 9- Recursion.mp4
- 5- Solution- insert().mp4
- 7- Traversing Trees.mp4
- 8- Exercise- Tree Traversal.pdf
- 6- Solution- find().mp4
- 18- Solution- Nodes at K Distance from the Root.mp4
- 3- Exercise- Populating a Binary Search Tree.pdf
- 21- Summary.mp4
- 20- Trees- Exercises.pdf
- 19- Level Order Traversal.mp4
- 16- Solution- Validating Binary Search Trees.mp4
- 12- Minimum Value in a Tree.mp4
- 17- Exercise- Nodes at K Distance.mp4
- 14- Solution- Equality Checking.mp4
- 15- Exercise- Validating Binary Search Trees.mp4
- 11- Depth and Height of Nodes.mp4
- 13- Exercise- Equality Checking.mp4
- 10- Depth First Traversals.mp4
- Getting Started
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Data Structures and Algorithms Part 1
- Hash Tables
- 9- Hash Functions.mp4
- 19- Solution- Refactoring.mp4
- 8- Solution- First Repeated Character.mp4
- 7- Exercise- First Repeated Character.mp4
- 5- Solution- First Non-repeating Character.mp4
- 6- Sets.mp4
- 3- Working with Hash Tables.mp4
- 4- Exercise- Find the First Non-repeated Character.mp4
- 22- Course Wrap Up.mp4
- 21- Summary.mp4
- 2- What are Hash Tables.mp4
- 20- Hash Tables- Exercises.pdf
- 16- Solution- put().mp4
- 17- Solution- get().mp4
- 18- Solution- remove().mp4
- 15- Exercise- Build a HashTable.mp4
- 14- Open Addressing- Double Hashing.mp4
- 13- Open Addressing- Quadratic Probing.mp4
- 12- Open Addressing- Linear Probing.mp4
- 11- Chaining.mp4
- 10- Collisions.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Stacks
- 9- Solution- First Refactoring.mp4
- 7- Solution- A Basic Implementation.mp4
- 8- Solution- Supporting Other Brackets.mp4
- 5- Solution - Reversing a String.mp4
- 6- Exercise- Balanced Expressions.mp4
- 10- Solution- Second Refactoring.mp4
- 4- Exercise- Reversing a String.mp4
- 12- Solution- Implementing a Stack Using an Array.mp4
- 3- Working with Stacks.mp4
- 2- What are Stacks.mp4
- 14- Summary.mp4
- 13- Stacks- Exercises.pdf
- 11- Exercise- Building a Stack Using an Array.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Queues
- 7- Solution- A Basic Implementation.mp4
- 8- Solution- Circular Arrays.mp4
- 9- Exercise- Implementing a Queue Using a Stack.mp4
- 3- Queues in Java.mp4
- 5- Solution- Reversing a Queue.mp4
- 6- Exercise- Building a Queue Using an Array.mp4
- 4- Exercise- Reversing a Queue.mp4
- 13- Solution- Building a Priority Queue.mp4
- 2- What are Queues.mp4
- 14- Solution- Refactoring.mp4
- 16- Summary.mp4
- 15- Queues- Exercises.pdf
- 10- Solution- Building a Queue Using a Stack.mp4
- 12- Exercise- Building a Priority Queue.mp4
- 11- Priority Queues.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Linked Lists
- 9- Solution- removeFirst.mp4
- 5- Solution- addLast.mp4
- 8- Solution- contains.mp4
- 7- Solution- indexOf.mp4
- 6- Solution- addFirst.mp4
- 3- Working with Linked Lists.mp4
- 4- Exercise- Building a Linked List.mp4
- 17- Solution- Reversing a Linked List.mp4
- 19- Solution- Kth Node from the End.mp4
- 21- Summary.mp4
- 20- Linked Lists- Exercises.pdf
- 2- What are Linked Lists.mp4
- 18- Exercise- Kth Node from the End.mp4
- 16- Exercise- Reversing a Linked List.mp4
- 15- Types of Linked Lists.mp4
- 14- Arrays vs Linked Lists.mp4
- 13- Cheat Sheets.mp4
- 12- Converting Linked Lists to Arrays.mp4
- 11- Implementing size().mp4
- 10- Solution- removeLast().mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- The Big O Notation
- 8- Space Complexity.mp4
- 7- O(2^n).mp4
- 9- Cheat Sheet.pdf
- 6- O(log n).mp4
- 4- O(n).mp4
- 2- What is Big O.mp4
- 5- O(n^2).mp4
- 3- O(1).mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- Arrays
- 9- Dynamic Arrays.mp4
- 7- Solution- removeAt().mp4
- 8- Solution- indexOf().mp4
- 6- Solution- insert().mp4
- 5- Solution- Creating the Class.mp4
- 4- Exercise- Array Class.mp4
- 3- Working with Arrays in Java.mp4
- 2- Understanding Arrays.mp4
- 11- Summary.mp4
- 1- Introduction.mp4
- 10- Arrays- Exercises.pdf
- Getting Started
- 1- Course Outline.mp4
- Data Structures and Algorithms Part 3
- Data Structures and Algorithms
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